Fact Sheet 5: Construction Considerations
Design-Build Delivery Method
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recognized Design-Build as the fastest, most cost-efficient manner to build the Bay Park Conveyance Project (Project). Design-Build is a project delivery method used to design and construct a project using a single contract. Design-Build teams consist of a design engineering firm or firms and a contractor or multiple contractors. There are several kinds of Design-Build procurements. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is using the Fixed Price, Best Value Method pursuant to the New York State Infrastructure Investment Act.
Design-Build Constructor
On November 6, 2020, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the Western Bays Constructors Joint Venture as the Design-Builder responsible for the final design and construction of the Project in Nassau County. Click here to view the Governor's press release.
Stay Informed - Sign Up for Construction Updates
To stay informed about the Bay Park Conveyance Project, we encourage you to visit our website www.BayParkConveyance.org and Facebook page @BayParkConveyance, and register for email updates. Our Community Information Center is located at 265 Sunrise Highway in Rockville Centre and currently open by appointment only. You may contact us via the Project’s 24/7 hotline at (516) 252-6121 or email us at BayParkConveyance@gmail.com with any questions. We strive to have clear public and stakeholder outreach throughout the duration of the Project. Construction updates will be posted to the Project website.
Construction Timeline
Construction of the Project will start in mid-2021 and finish in late 2023. The Project will have many different construction locations with construction at any one location likely to occur for a period of 2 to 12 months. Construction work on Sunrise Highway will generally occur at nights or on weekends.
Easement Acquisitions
There are portions of a number of private properties on which easements will be required to build the Project. These are either temporary surface easements or permanent subsurface easements that would not affect the property owners’ use of the property. The Project Team has already spoken individually to owners of affected properties.
Subterranean Borings Below Private Properties
Nassau County and NYSDEC have thoroughly investigated the site conditions within the Project area through geotechnical investigations and engineering analyses. The South Shore Water Reclamation Facility (previously known as the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant) and Cedar Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) force mains will be constructed using microtunneling. Microtunneling is a process that uses a microtunnel boring machine to construct a tunnel 20 to 60 feet below the surface. Vibration from the microtunneling activities will be minimal. Instrumentation that measures movement will be placed near properties and buildings so that movement can be monitored, and corrective actions can be taken if necessary.
Construction Elements
Construction elements include:
A new pump station at the existing South Shore Water Reclamation Facility
New Force Main:
Segment 1: Bay Park to Sunrise Highway Microtunnel – 2 miles
Segment 2: Sunrise Highway Aqueduct Sliplining – 7.3 miles
Segment 3: Sunrise Highway to Cedar Creek Microtunnel – 1.6 miles
New pumps and a standpipe receiving tank at the Cedar Creek WPCP
Connection to the existing Cedar Creek WPCP ocean outfall
Construction along the force main will occur through a series of approximately 14 shafts at several locations along the two force main alignments. The exact number and locations of the shafts will be determined during final design. Staging areas will be established around each construction shaft. Construction of each of the force main shafts would take approximately 9 to 12 months.
There will also be approximately 24 aqueduct work pits within Sunrise Highway. The exact number and locations of the work pits will be determined during final design. Rehabilitation of the Sunrise Highway aqueduct would take approximately 11 weeks at each of the work pits. Construction work on Sunrise Highway will generally occur at nights or on weekends.
Construction is being phased to minimize disruption to the local community and day-to-day operations of local businesses. Please see Fact Sheet 6 - Business Considerations.
Environmental Controls
Construction equipment located at the surface may generate noticeable noise and dust. NYSDEC and Nassau County will require the Design-Builder to employ measures to minimize noise and dust from active construction sites. When construction is not taking place, machinery such as trucks, generators, and cranes will be located in construction work and staging areas. These areas will be fenced off and kept clean, orderly, and secure. Furthermore, the Design-Builder is required per the Contract to conduct pre-construction inspection of all structures within the construction vicinity to serve as a benchmark for pre-construction conditions. Additionally, during the period of construction, the Design-Builder is also required to monitor the effects of construction activities and take corrective actions for any deviation from the benchmark. The post-construction inspection will be done once all work is completed in the vicinity of the work area. Any remedial measures will be implemented during this time.